DNA Twist Horizontal Cables

DNA Twist 1

Written out pattern for circular knitting:
Multiple of 9 st

R1: M1knitwise, CDI, M1knitwise, p4
R2: k2, p1, k2, p4
R3: (IDK..) [k1, p1], p1, [sl 1 st onto cn, hold to back, k2, p1 from cn], p1, [sl 2 st onto cn, hold to front, p1, k2 from cn], p2, [sl 1 st onto cn, hold to back, k2, p1 from cn] (NOTE; skip the first k1,p1 going into the round, because it’s part of the last cable stitch)
R4: k1, p3, k2, p2, k1
R5: [p1], p3, [sl 2 sts onto cn, hold to front, p1, k2 from cn], [sl 1 st onto cn, hold to back, k2, p1 from cn]
R6: p5, k4
R7: p5, [sl 2 st onto cn, hold to front, k2, k2 from cn]
R8:: p5, k4
R9: [k1], p3, [sl 1 st onto cn, hold to back, k2, p1 from cn], [sl 2 sts onto cn, hold to front, p1, k2 from cn]
R10: k1, p3, k2, p2, k1
R11: [k2], p1, [sl 1 st onto cn, hold to back, k2, p1 from cn], p2, [sl 2 sts onto cn, hold to front, p1, k2 from cn]
R12: 5to1dec, p4

Seneca Twist Horizontal Cables

Seneca Twist 1 Seneca Twist 2

This is the same cable used on the Brooklyn Tweed / Jared Flood Seneca Sweater.

I’m not a fan of charts, so the written out pattern for knitting in the round is below:

I believe that for knitting in the round, you just do the repeat portion of the pattern.

R1: p2, M1knitwise, CDI, M1knitwise, p7
R2: p2, k2, p1, k2, p7
R3: [sl 2 st onto cn, hold in back, k2; p2 from cn], p1, [sl 2 st onto cn, hold in front, p2; k2 from cn], p5
R4: k2, p5, k2, p5
R5: (IDK..) p2 (this is part of the cable stitch at the end of this row), p5, [sl 2 st onto cn, hold in front, p2; k2 from cn], p1, [sl 2 st onto cn, hold in back, k2; p2 from cn]
R6: p9, k2, p1, k2
R7: p9, [sl 2 st onto cn1, hold in back; sl 1 st onto cn2, hold in back, k2, p1 from cn2, k2 from cn1]
R8: p9, k2, p1, k2
R9: (IDK..) k2 (this is part of the cable stitch at the end of this row), p5, [sl 2 st onto cn, hold in back, k2; p2 from cn], p1, [sl 2 st onto cn, hold in front, p2; k2 from cn]
R10: k2, p5, k2, p5
R11: [sl 2 st onto cn, hold in front, p2; k2 from cn], p1, [sl 2 st onto cn, hold in back, k2; p2 from cn], p5
R12: p2, [5to1decrease: sl next 3 st wyib and drop yarn, *pass second st on RH needle over first st on RH needle (decrease 1 st), then sl first st from RH needle back onto LH needle; then pass second st on LH needle over first st on LH needle (decrease 1 st); then **sl first st from LH needle back to RH needle and repeat from * to **, then pick up yarn and K remaining st], p7

How to do a CDI (Central Double Increase:

How to do a 5to1decrease: