January Sweater: Planned Modifications

Okay, I know what I’m going to do with my JMF Shareholder Yarn – make the EZ January Sweater (See Knitter’s Almanac, January).

Problem: I only have 6 skeins from which to make a sweater for a guy. So, no dice.

Original: Knit sweater from bottom up in the round, cast off the front, shape the shoulders, cast off the back. STEEK the sleeves.

January Sweater - Original

Modification Idea 1: All cables (LT and RT from the pattern) in black. Cuffs, hem, collar, sleeve fishtrap, all black. Background, natural. Problem: the fair isle work still uses up a lot of the yarn. You don’t save anything by avoiding cables and going with fair isle. So, no dice. Note: This could work if the sweater was done knit flat, instead of in the round. But the conversion is just TOO TOO much work. So, no.

January Sweater - Mod1

Modification Idea 2: Hem, collar, cuffs in black. Rest of sweater in natural. Front of pattern has fishtrap, back is straight stockinette. This is workable.

Modification Idea 3: Do the body all as the EZ pattern indicates. Then, no design on the sleeves, just straight stockinette.

Modification Idea 4: Body front as EZ indicates, back and sleeves straight stockinette.

I don’t think the two color idea would work for a guy, which is who this sweater is intended for. Might be neat to try for myself at some point. There seems to be a wide variety in the number of skeins used, from 5 of worsted, to 12 of dk, to 6 of aran. So clearly a lot depends on sizing. Maybe my brother would like a sweater with negative ease? ;) j/k he wouldn’t.

Finalized game plan: Go with it for the body, and cut up the sleeves as needed. Maybe even do the top half of the sleeves in white, and the bottom in black. Then add a matching black hem. That would be a cool dip dyed look, and not too feminine.

January Sweater - Mod2