Loops and Threads Charisma Top Down Raglan Pullover Boatneck Sweater

Loops and Threads Charisma Raglan
Based on: Comfy Raglan Sweater by Jenny Dolan on Ravelry
Yarn needed: 3 blue skeins, 1 white skein Loops and Threads Charisma (sold at Michael’s in the U.S.)

Picture 46

Note: I am going to tell you why the sweater looks the way it does in the picture. When I started the sweater, I was a US size 4. It was made to my measurements at that size. When I finished the sweater, I was a US size 8. My chest measurement went from 32 inches to 36 inches. So no part of this sweater fits me well. The pattern is still good, but please be mindful of this if you choose to knit this pattern. And don’t take so long and gain so much weight that you can’t wear your sweater when you’re done.

Size of sweater made: 34 inch chest (US size 4 [which is a 32 inch chest])
Size of woman wearing sweater:  36 inch chest
Ease: 2 inches positive ease (a 34 inch sweater on a 32 inch chested woman – a flattering silhouette for young thin women)


Horizontal gauge: 3 st to 1″
Vertical gauge: 5 rows to 1″

Materials needed:

stitch markers (I like the clover locking ring markers)
Size 6 DPNs
Size 9 circular needles in different lengths
Crochet hook size 6.0 Japanese Hanamaka (3.5 mm metric) (size F US)

Note: I did not like the boatneck sweater, so I brought it in a bit by crocheting  *(slip 1, single crochet 1) around the neckline on a size 6.0 Japanese Hanamaka needle.  The neck looks like more of a square neck with that alteration.

Abbreviations Used:

PM = Place Marker
SM = Slip Marker
KFB = Knit Front and Back (Increase)
SSK = slip slip knit (Decrease)
K2tog = knit 2 together (decrease)
k = knit
p = purl



1. CO 76 st.

2. (k26, PM, k12, PM) x 2

3. SM, KFB, *(k to next marker, KFB, SM, KFB), at last stitch, KFB

4. k 2 rounds

5. Repeat Rows 3 to 4 13 times. 104 st inc. 180 st on needle.

I did rounds 3 and 4 twice in blue, and once in white for my stripe pattern.


6. k 6 rounds

7. k to sleeve, put sleeves on short circular needle or loose yarn. 38 st per sleeve.


8. k for 81 rounds, until body measures 16.5 inches. Add hem.

I alternated blue and white stripes for the body (with same row count as neck), and added a k1 blue, k1 white for three inches for the hem.


Place sleeve stitches on size 6 DPNs. (sleeves are 14 inches wide here)

9. k 5 rounds (sleeve is now 1 inch longer)

10. mark off 4 underarm stitches (PM 4 st, PM)

The beginning of the circle has two stitches to either side of it, then a marker.

Note: You do not decrease on the four middle stitches, you decrease on the other side of the marker from the four stitches and leave these four marked stitches alone.

11. k 5 rounds

12. k2, SM, ssk, k to two stitches before marker, k2tog, k2

13. Repeat rows 11 and 12 3 times.

14. k until length of sleeve is as you desire it.

I stopped my sleeve between my elbow and my wrist, which was 12 rows.

15. Add cuff.

I did k2p2 for 3 rounds

16. Bind off with white yarn.

Repeat for second sleeve.


So... whaddya think?