Triangle Scarf (Reblogged)

Easiest shawl EVER! Formula works for all triangle shawls :) Design your own!

It would appear that my cold symptoms are continuing apace, though in a milder form than they could be, in which case I will renew efforts with vitamins and rest and tylenol and tea. And a bit of knitting on the side of my stack of grading.

But this blog is long overdue for a project update, and I’m finally able to take a moment to tell you about the two scarves I’ve made since mid-October. These, a slouchy beret, and a pair of plain stockinette gloves have all been made with Berroco Ultra Alpaca, and are all part of my Operation: Don’t Freeze My Ass Off plan for this winter. (Always a good plan, I feel).


The first of these scarves was a plain triangular shawl/scarf that I started on the plane to Rhinebeck in October. I finished it while I was there and it has proven a wonderful bit of emergency insulation, and since our November temperatures were stupidly unseasonably mild (o hai global warming nice to see you), I got more wear out of it than I might have expected.


It’s fairly plain, easy to execute over a couple of days (say, on bleary plane and train rides), and I hadn’t thought much of it but every time I go out amongst knitters, someone comments on it and asks what the pattern is. Well, it’s pretty darned simple is what it is. If you want to make one of these too, here’s what you do:

So Easy I Can’t Even Stand it Triangular Scarf

1. Pick your yarn, any yarn (did I mention I love Ultra Alpaca?), and use an appropriate needle size. I went up to a 6mm for the worsted Ultra Alpaca because since it is 50% alpaca it can handle a bit of loose drapey-ness and still be warm.

2. Cast on 7 sts. [Note from the future: For extra stability, knit back and forth for a couple of rows of garter stitch before proceeding.]

and proceed as you would for a regular triangular shawl (increasing 1 st at each end, and 1 st each side of centre stitch, every RS row), something like this:

(RS) K2, yo, k to centre stitch, yo, k1, yo, k to 2 sts before end of row, yo, k2.
(WS) K2, p to 2 sts before end of row, k2.

Work these two rows for a while.

3. Whenever you feel like it, say, every 10-12 rows or so, insert one of the following beginning on the WS of work, while still maintaining the k2 at each end of each row, and yo increases on each RS row:

Paired garter ridges:
(WS) K all sts
(RS) K all sts
(WS) K all sts

Garter eyelet rib:
(WS) K all sts
(RS) [k2tog, yo] repeat
(WS) K all sts

4. Keep going in this combination of stockinette, garter ridges, and eyelet rib until you get the length you want, you run out of yarn, or until you just can’t stand it any more. Work another few garter ridges or a repeat of eyelet rib, and BO all sts. Block if you wish. (I used about 1.5 skeins of Ultra Alpaca for mine, it goes pretty far.)

Glenna Knits

It would appear that my cold symptoms are continuing apace, though in a milder form than they could be, in which case I will renew efforts with vitamins and rest and tylenol and tea. And a bit of knitting on the side of my stack of grading.

But this blog is long overdue for a project update, and I’m finally able to take a moment to tell you about the two scarves I’ve made since mid-October. These, a slouchy beret, and a pair of plain stockinette gloves have all been made with Berroco Ultra Alpaca, and are all part of my Operation: Don’t Freeze My Ass Off plan for this winter. (Always a good plan, I feel).


The first of these scarves was a plain triangular shawl/scarf that I started on the plane to Rhinebeck in October. I finished it while I was there and it has proven a wonderful…

View original post 843 more words

Candle’s Flame Triangle Shawl

Join the Candle Flame Shawl group on Yahoo for pattern and support.


Candle Flame Shawl

NOTE: Rows 19 and 20 of the chart diagram above are WRONG!!! Follow the written instructions for those two rows below!!

This shawl is so stunning, it makes me sad it’s only available on the Internet Wayback Machine.
Pictures here:


CO = Cast On
(K,YO,K) = double increase; K1, Yarn Over, K1 into the same stitch
(Sl 2-k1-p2sso) = vertical double decrease; insert needle into 2nd and 1st stitches at once as if to k 2 tog and slip both stitches from this position; knit next stitch, then pass the 2 slipped stitches together over the knit stitch.

Instructions (Corrected! The one at the address below is WRONG!!)

Notated by Linda Clark here:

Cast on 1 st , then:
Row 1: (right side)(K, YO, K)
Row 2: P3
Row 3: K1, (K, YO, K), K1
Row 4: P5
Row 5: K2, (K, YO, K), K2
Row 6: P7
Row 7: K3, (K, YO, K), K3
Row 8: P9
Row 9: K4. (K, YO, K), K4, CO 3 sts
Row 10: P1, K2, P11, CO 3 sts
Row 11: (K, YO, K), P2, K4,(Sl 2-k1-p2sso), K4, P2, (K, YO, K)
Row 12: P3, K2, P9, K2, P3
Row 13: K1, (K, YO, K), K1, P2, K3,(Sl 2-k1-p2sso), K3, P2, K1, (K, YO, K), K1
Row 14: P5, K2, P7, K2, P5
Row 15: K2, (K, YO, K), K2, P2, K2, (Sl 2-k1-p2sso), K2, P2, K2, (K, YO, K), K2
Row 16: P7, K2, P5, K2, P7
Row 17: K3, (K, YO, K), K3, P2, K1, (Sl 2-k1-p2sso), K1, P2, K3, (K, YO, K), K3
Row 18: P9, K2, P3, K2, P9
Row 19: K4,(K,YO,K),K4,P2,(Sl 2-k1-p2sso),P2,K4,(K,YO,K),K4,CO 3 sts
Row 20: P1,K2,P11,K2,P1,K2,P11,CO 3 sts
Row 21: (K, YO, K), *P2, K4, (Sl 2-k1-p2sso), K4, P2, (K, YO, K) repeat from * to end
Row 22: P3, *K2, P9, K2, P3 repeat from *
Row 23: K1, (K, YO, K), K1, *P2, K3, (Sl 2-k1-p2sso), K3, P2, K1, (K, YO, K), K1 repeat from *
Row 24: P5, *K2, P7, K2, P5 repeat from *
Row 25: K2, (K, YO, K), K2, *P2, K2, (Sl 2-k1-p2sso), K2, P2, K2, (K, YO, K), K2 repeat from *
Row 26: P7, *K2, P5, K2, P7 repeat from *
Row 27: K3, (K, YO, K), K3, *P2, K1, (Sl 2-k1-p2sso), K1, P2, K3, (K, YO, K), K3 repeat from *
Row 28: P9, *K2, P3, K2, P9 repeat from *

Row 29: K4, (K, YO, K), K4, P2, (Sl 2-kl-p2sso), P2 repeat from NOTE!you won’t have enough sts left on the needles to complete the last repeat, so after the second K4 just end by CO 3 sts

Row 30: *P1, K2, P11, K2 repeat from *, end with CO 3 sts after last P11
Repeat rows 21 through 30 until desired length and width. P one row.